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On UMAA Convention....
        by Okasha Naqvi, NJ, 13 years 

The UMAA convention was a real success,
hard work and perseverance made it the best!

The youth became more active than ever before,
discussions took place from door to door.

Speakers with many thoughts and ideas to share,
the information was overwhelming,
with nothing that one could spare.

Everyone had a chance to show his or her voice,
you could share your opinion,
it was all your choice.

Organizers always friendly made you feel at home,
you were never overlooked, and were always known.

Oh, the future goals were in the making,
everyone drank on the fountain of learning,
dreams coming true of a future in the making 

It was impossible, not to learn anything at all,
It was no doubt a convention for everyone,
big and small.

UMAA was for sure a wonderful vacation,
It turned out to be an education-filled sensation!!!






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