Al Huda


                                                   the Message Continues...1/24                             


     " Islam aims to bring out the best of the human being within an individual by strengthening the personality.  The Qur’an is the guide for achieving this goal.  It must be understood that the Qur’an  as a book is neither an encyclopedia nor a compendium of any regular subject. However, the Qur’anic references cover enormous topics with precision and depth.
 Everyone can get sufficient guidance and benefit from its contents according to his/her intelligence and search. References to the Prophets are made at various occasions as necessitated in illustrating a particular character or during the derivation of a lesson or moral conclusion.
 Qur’an is the only Holy scripture that uses the unique methodology to teach a person about his past and provide guidance for his present and his future. "
S. Haider Hussain Shamsi

T H E   D A W N
Sura al-fajr ( 89)
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
By the dawn, (89:1)
by the Ten (secret) Nights, (2)
by the odd and even (8th and 9th Dhil-hajj) (3)
and by the night when it moves on towards daybreak (reward and retribution in
the next life is an absolute reality) (4).
Is this not a sufficient oath for intelligent people? (5).
(Muhammad), consider how your Lord dealt with the tribe of Ad, (6)
the people of the huge columned city of Eram (7)
whose like has never been created in any other land (8).  

(Also consider how He dealt with) the Thamud, who carved their houses out of the rocks in the valley (9).
(Also consider the people of) the Pharaoh who victimized people by placing them on the stake, (10) led rebellious lives, (11)
and spread much corruption in the land (12).
Thus, your Lord afflicted them with torment; (13) 

your Lord keeps an eye on (all evil-doing people) (14).
As for the human being, when his Lord tests him, honors him, and grants him
bounty, he says, "God has honored me" (15).
However, when his Lord tests him by a measured amount of sustenance , he
says, "God has disgraced me" (16).
(Since wealth does not necessarily guarantee everlasting happiness) then why
do you not show kindness to the orphans, (17)
or urge one another to feed the destitute? (18).
Why do you take away the inheritance of others indiscriminately (19)

 and why do you have an excessive love of riches? (20).
When the earth is crushed into small pieces (21) 

and (when you find yourself) in the presence of your Lord and the rows and rows of angels, your greed for riches will certainly be of no avail to you (22).
 On that day, hell will be brought closer and the human being will come to his senses, but this will be of no avail to him (23).
 He will say, "Would that I had done some good deeds for this life" (24).
 On that day the punishment of God and His detention will be unparalleled (25).
 And His bonds will be such as none other can bind (26).
 Serene soul, (27) 

return to your Lord well pleased with him and He will be pleased with you (28).
 Enter among My servants (29)

 into My Paradise (30).
 From the translation of Quran by Shaikh Muhammad Sarwar, New York




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