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Newsletter for February 2009



Article 1 - Article 2 - Article 3 - Article 4 - Article 5 - Article 6 - Article 7 - Article 8 - Article 9 - Article 10 - Article 11 - Article 12



On the Excellence and Baraka of the Revealed Message

[Surah Yaasin and Surah Mulk ]

From the Selected Friday Sermons of Syed Owais Jafri, Seattle, Washington

The Holy Qur’an is the last Message of Allah (SWT). Its words have tremendous significance and their meanings are the spring source of guidance and blessings. There are many traditions of our beloved Prophet (SAW) with regards to the excellence of some Surahs of the Holy Qur’an. From among them are the chapters Yaasin and Mulk. Prophet (SAW) said that Surah Yaasin is the heart of the Qur’an. The reason for its being called the very heart of the Qur’an as mentioned by Imaam Ghazali (Rehmatullah Alaih) is because in it are mentioned the facts and details of the Aakhira, the Hereafter. It also details Faith in Allah (SWT), His prophets and messengers, His angels, His Revelations/Scriptures, the Hereafter, the Destiny, and the Resurrection after death. The concept of the Hereafter in our Faith is as important as the heart in the human body. Similarly Surat-ul-Mulk has its own blessings. According to our beloved Prophet (SAW), the one who recites it will remain safe from the punishment of the grave. Today, I will focus on these two chapters of the Holy Qur’an.

Hazrat Anas (Razi Allah) relates that Prophet (SAW) said: “Yaasin is the heart of the Qur’an. Whoever reads it once, Allah (SWT) will reward him equal to reading the Qur’an three times. [Tirmizi].

Hazrat Jundub bin Abdulllah (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) said: “The one who recites the Surah once during the night, he will wake up in the morning with having achieved salvation.” [Abu Naeem fil’halah].

Hazrat Mo’qal bin Yasaar (RA) quotes Prophet (SAW), who said: “Yaasin is the heart of the Qur’an, he who reads it only to seek Allah’s pleasure and for the good of the Hereafter, is forgiven. Recite it also to your dead.” [Musnad Ahmad].

Hazrat Anas (RA) relates that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said; “He who consistently recites it at night, will achieve the status of a martyr.”

Hazrat Ata bin Abi Rabah (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever recites Yaasin early in the day, gets all his needs fulfilled.r-e-Manshoor]

Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas (RA) said that whoever recites this Surah in the morning, his work will be facilitated till the evening of that day, and whoever recites it in the beginning of the night, things will be made easy for him until the next morning.

Advising Sayyidina Ali (Karam Allah Wajhu), our Prophet (SAW) said: “Make much recitation of Surah Yaasin, because it offers ten blessings:

1.     The hungry will get meals to his satisfaction.

2.     Thirsty will have his thirst quenched.

3.     The one, who needs clothes, will have his need taken care of.

4.     The sick will be cured of his sickness.

5.     Fearful will achieve peace from fear.

6.     Prisoners will win his freedom.

7.     The unmarried will be married.

8.     The traveler will have his journey made easy for him.

9.     The lost item will be found.

10.  Its recitation to the dying will make death easy for the dying person. 

There are many traditions of Prophet (SAW) with regards to Surah Mulk. 

Hazrat Jaabir (RA) says that Prophet (SAW) never went to bed until he recited Surah Mulk. [Tirmizi]. 

Once Prophet (SAW) said that he liked Surah Mulk be memorized by every Momin of his Ummah. [Haakim] 

 He (SAW) also said that there is a Surah in Allah’s Book, which has 30 Aayaahs to it. The Surah will recommend to Allah (SWT) for forgiveness to its reciter, and that Surah is Mulk. [Abu Dawood, Tirmizi] 

Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas (RA) asked a person: “Shouldn’t I gift you a tradition of Prophet (SAW), which will make you extremely happy? The person submitted: “Please, yes.”

So Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas said: “Recite Surah Mulk, teach it to the members of your household and the neighbors, because this Surah rescues from the punishment of the grave. It will plead the case of its reciter for Allah (SWT)’s mercy on the Day of Judgment for his acquittal from Hell fire. Then Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas added that Prophet (SAW) wished that the Surah may find a place in the heart of every person of his Ummah.” [Tabrani] 

Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said: “When a person is laid to rest in his grave, angels of punishment approach him from the side of the feet, the chest and the head. Each time these parts of the body put a check on those angels and tell them that the person had been reciting Surah Mulk while alive. And that is why it is said that this Surah is a shield and protector for its reciter. This Surah was also a part of Toraat (Torah). Whoever recites it will be much rewarded and achieve piety. 

Hazrat Abu Qarsafah Jandrah (RA) was a companion of Prophet (SAW), to whom Prophet (SAW) had given his cap to wear. Due to this distinct honor, people used to visit him to ask for blessings and supplications. One of Abu Qarsafah’s sons was engaged in Jihad in Roman territory. Hazrat Qarsafah was in the city of Asqalaa. From there he used to call his son reminding him of Fajr prayers, and the son used to respond to his father from such a distance. People asked him: “Whom you are responding to?” He replied: “By the Lord of Kabah, my father wakes me up for Fajr.” Hazrat Qarsafah (RA) narrates that he heard Prophet (SAW) saying: “Whoever while retiring to bed reads Surah Mulk and then recites four times:  

“Allahhumma Bal’ligh Rooha Muhammadin Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallama Minni Tahee’yyatan wa Salama.” Allah (SWT) appoints two angels for him, who submit the person’s Salam to Prophet (SAW). Prophet (SAW) in response says: “Salam to him from me and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon him.” [Tabqaat-ul-Muhaddiseen]

Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) said: “The person who prays four Rak’aas after Isha and recites Surah Al-Kafiroon, and Surah Ikhlaas in the first two Rak’aas, and the recites Surah Mulk and Surah Sajda in the rest two Rak’aas, then these equals in reward to praying four Rak’aas in Lailat-ul-Qadr, the Night of Power. [Majma’uz Zawaa’id].







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