the Message Continues ... 8/16

Article 8

Guess Who?
  by Okasha Naqvi (12 years), New Jersey

I was born on 15th of Shaban
Two weeks before the month of Ramadan.
I am the son of Hasan-a- Askhari, alaihis salaam
I am known as the 12th Imam
I am son of Narjis Khatoon
I am to become visible again very soon.

But do you know who I am?
Let's play guess who. 
I will appear and see you again, because I know you,
you may become my enemy or my closest friend. 
you cannot hide anything from our Lord !

I am here to be witness to everything seen, touched, or heard.
I know you all but do you know me? guess who?

I am to re-appear very soon, to right the wrong and spread Islam, guess who?
I am the Promised Mehdi (as)  the Imam Akhir uz zamaan

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