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Newsletter for September 2017

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Philosophy of Marriage 


The institution of marriage is an established tradition of society, practiced by humans from time immemorial. It is a sacred covenant that binds two people together, a commitment to live together and be a helper and friend of each other. A strong and happy marriage is the grounds for the blossoming of a happy home wherein different personalities traverse the path of life together.

Marriage fulfills a natural need in the human being, a need as natural as the need for food and drink. This is a fact recognized by all those who acknowledge the biological making of the human being. Islam, being a most practical religion, advocates marriage and shuns the idea of purity through celibacy.

Allah has created the man and the woman to complement each other. When joined together in marriage, the partners perfect each other, each compensating for what the other may lack. The Holy Qur'an says:

They (the wives) are an apparel for you and you are an apparel for them. (2:187)

This means that the spouses are a covering, a guard of the dignity and respect of the other. They protect and decorate each other.
Islam has highly recommended marriage to its followers. It has clear guidelines for it, and has set distinct laws to ensure and safeguard the rights of both parties. Many Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (s) emphasize the significance of marriage:

1. No establishment has been set up which is dearer to Allah than marriage.
2. Marriage is from my ways, and whoever turns away from my ways is not from me.
3. Two rak`aat recited by a married person carries greater reward than seventy rak`aat recited by an unmarried person.
4. The worst among you are those who die unmarried.

A good marriage creates partners with positive outlooks on life. Problems in the world outside, in the workplace or with society, are offset by the happiness found at home. The home becomes an attractive haven, wherein the individuals can find acceptance and appreciation. A good stable marriage has been described as an oasis wherein human beings replenish their weary spirits. Society is efficient but cold. It meets human needs such as food, clothing, shelter and other material goods. It does not always, however, satisfy needs such as affection, warmth, emotional support and intimacy. Marriage and family can provide for those needs. Psychological and emotional yearnings of the human heart are fulfilled in the close relationship of marriage and family.

It is important to realize also that a secure and stable marriage gives a focus and direction to life. There is more joy and enthusiasm for matters such as work, earning livelihood, cooking, cleaning and other household duties. There is little worth in working only for oneself, or for that matter cooking for oneself. When there are other people involved, such a spouse and children, there is more satisfaction derived from the daily chores of life.



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