Al-Huda           the Message Continues 1/37

Foundation, NJ USA                                           Newsletter for August 2004 




Article 1 - Article 2 - Article 3 - Article 4 - Article 5 - Article 6  

Article 7 - Article 8 - Article 9 - Article 10 -Article 11 - Article 12




Five Miracles of Quran

The 1st Miracle
Man We did create from aequitessence (of clay); then We placed him as a drop
of sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed. Then we made the sperm into a
clot of congealed blood or (leech like); then of that clot we made a fetus
lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh;
then we developed out of it another Creature. So blessed Allah(God), the
Best to create}. [23:12-14]. Holy Qur'an

The 2nd Miracle
{You see the Mountains and think them firmly fixed. But! They shall pass
away as the clouds pass away: (such is) the artistry of Allah(God), who
disposes of all things in perfect order: for He is well acquainted with all
that you do.} [27:88] Holy Qur'an

A scene of a big Mountain. Then, a scene of that Mountain while circling
with the Earth as well as passing clouds. It is clear that the Holy Qur'an
states a well-known modern scientific fact: Mountains are circling with the
Earth in its revolution. But, it's revealed since 1422 years in the Holy

The 3rd Miracle
{Then he God) turned to the sky, and it had been as smoke: He said to it and
to the earth: "come you together, willingly or unwillingly". They said: "we
do com together in willing obedience} [41:11]. Holy Qur'an
Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were
joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made
from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?[21:30]Holy Qur'an

The Holy Qur'an stated that the sky origin was smoke and they were joined
together with the earth. This, in fact, is one of modern scientific

The 4th Miracle
O men! Here is a parable set forth! Listen to it! Those on whom, besides
Allah God), you call, can not Create even a fly, if they all met together
for the purpose! And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they
would have no power to release it from the fly. Feeble are those who
petition and those whom they petition}. [22:73]Holy Qur'an

It is a Qur'anic description. If the fly should snatch some food no one
would know how to recover it from it (the fly). According to modern
scientific discoveries, the fly might have discharged some gas which would
bring the .food into change, which no one can redeem

The 5th Miracle
Does man (a disbeliever) think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, We
are Able to put together in perfect order the tips of his
fingers[75:3,4]Holy Qur'an

it is amazing miracle, and the story of it a Man came to the prophet, with a
dead bones and ask him O Mohammed do you say that Allah (God) will bring me
back to life after i become like this dead Bones. then Allah (God) reply
with a verse in the holy Qur'an, that not only his bones will be back but
his fingers prints! why finger print? we now know that every human has his
unique finger print.

Thus, it becomes clear that only Islam is the true religion, and no one can
save himself except through this last Divine message.
{And those to whom knowledge has come see that the revelation sent down to
you from your Lord- that is the truth, and that it guides to the path of the
exalted in mighty, worthy of all praise.} [34:6] Holy Qur'an
If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never
will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of
those who have lost All spiritual [good).  [3:85]  Holy Qur'an.



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