Al-Huda Foundation, USA

al-ISLAM  (A Monotheistic Faith)

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        The basic elements of Islamic Faith are also known as the pillars of the faith.  An individual has the choice to believe in them or to reject them based on his intelligence, observation, comparison, education or research.  They are called the pillars as the whole weight of what follows (after acceptance into Islam) falls on these basic elements.



Belief in Allah(swt)

One-ness of Allah(swt)

Special Attributes of Allah(swt)


Belief in Prophethood

Belief in Prophet Mohammed (sawa)

Special Attributes of the Last Prophet



Belief in Imamate

Functions of the Imam

Recognition of the Imam

Attributes of the Imam



Belief in justice from Allah(swt), Rasul(sawa) and Imams(as)

Practice justice-during daily life

Justice at The End of Time, and Extremity



The End of Time

Belief in The Day of Judgement

Belief in Resuffection of the Body

The Route to Salvation

The Role of Mahdi(as)



 A Muslim is a believer of the basic elements of the faith.  As a believer, he has to obey the rules of the faith as his obligation.  There is no conjecture on these orders.  These are firm and  uncompromising.


SALAT (Prayers):


The Obligatory Daily Prayers


        Before Dawn

        Immediately after mid-day

        Late afternoon

        Immediately after sun-set

        Late evening, but before mid-night


Optional Prayers :


        Several optional prayers may be offered additional to the ritual daily prayers at the prescribed times as well as at other non-prescribed times


The Semi-obligatory Weekly Jama’at (Congregational Prayers)


        Friday prayers to be held in congregational setting

        Led by the priest (imam of the congregation)

        Obligaory when in the catchment of the congregation

The Semi-obligatory Annual Jama’at:

        Prayer for the Eid-ul-Fitr at the conclusion of Ramadhan, and   joined by Muslims throughout the world


        Prayer at the time of Haj (pilgrimage) for all those not actually performing the Haj throughout the world


SAUM (Fasting):

The Obligatory Fasting:

        The whole month of Ramadhan.

        Nothing to taste, eat or drink from before day break to sun-set.

        Referain from other leisure and pleasure giving indulgences.

        Join in congregational prayers and socialise in the evenings.

        Give alms and feed the hungry and the poor.


HAJ (Pilgrimage):

        It is obligatory of all Muslims to perform the ritual Haj at least once in a life time, provided the individual can afford the cost of the trip from one's own earned income, or be sponsored by another individual by his or her free will.  The individual heading for Haj must have no financial or other debts towards anyone else in the community.


        The center of this ritual is the celebration of the Mercy of Allah(swt) when He caused the life of the son of Abraim(as) to be spared and substituted a lamb for sacrifice in His Name.



ZAKAT (The Poor Tax):

        It is an Annual Obligatory percentage Tax on the Net Worth of the Believer


        Optional Khayrat (Alms) may be given according to the individual's financial status in the Muslim Community


        Optional Sdaqa is a special giving for the poor irrespective of the financial status of the individual



        The levy for the sustenance and propagation of the Message.

It is an Annual Obligatory percentage Tax on the Net Income of the faithful


JIHAD (Struggle or Apply oneself):

        Defence of the Faith.

        Defence of the Home-land of the Faithful.

        Stand up for Truth.

        Avoidance of Oppression.

        Non-participation with the Oppressor.

        Denouncement of the Usurper.